I was devastated when I found out that most of the photos I took of the Bazaar were blurry. I took SOOOO many! I was only able to salvage about 3, all pictures of my booth. I know, bummer. Click on the photos to see a bigger version. Well, I had a great time! I met a lot of cool people and got some awesome feedback about my work. I would like to send a big THANK-YOU to ALL to the following:
1. Those of you who stopped by and even gave me a moment of your time.
2. Those of you who stopped by and took business cards.
3. Those of you who stopped by and offered great suggestions
4. Those of you who helped me to sit up my both, carry stuff, and give suggestions as to how I should assemble my table.
5. Those of you who purchased goodies.
I also had some surprise goodies that will be available for sale soon on both my website and etsy shop. In fact, tomorrow's post (okay, the post will have to be after Thursday because I have two major papers due) will highlight one of the cool new products. I had daily planners which were awesome to make and will be available for sale on FRIDAY in my ETSY shop! If you'd like to place an order for a daily planner in the meantime, drop me an email.
Again, many thanks to everyone!
UPDATE (12-11-07): I just listed ONE salad planner in my etsy shop!