I usually only post garage sale type stuff on craiglist--once, I sold a scooter, so after cruising through etsy's forums, I came across a post about advertising on craigslist. So, I decided, why not try some of my notebooks out?. I just posted an ad under the arts and crafts section selling a few of my notebooks. We will see how that goes. I'm just curious, will someone actually contact me and purchase one? I posted one listing in New York City and one locally, here in Brookline, MA. For those that do potentially contact me, I'll direct them HERE as opposed to my etsy shop--where you will have to sign up for an account to be able to purchase anything. Big Cartel is something I'm mulling over, as I slowly decide how I want edesse designs to evolve (as well as perfect my picture taking). I'm going to take careful baby steps to make sure I can offer both quality and quantity. For now, it will be a storefront for craigslist type transactions or those random email requests from people who don't have etsy accounts. For those that live close by, we can meet up locally.
Craigslist is really strict about advertising. So, if you plan to put up an ad, please leave out all links to any online shops. If someone contacts you with an interest in purchasing, then you can direct them wherever or you can have them stop by and pick it up.
We will see what becomes of this. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, and that's my Raspberry Sorbet Journal. It's for sale HERE!