I have a confession. For the past few nights I have been getting up in the wee hours and heading to the local 7-11 for all sorts of stuff I know I should NOT be eating. Yesterday, I downed two bags of spicy cheetos. The day before, I had one of those vending machine ham and cheese sandwiches I swore I'd never eat. Today, I just downed a whole chocolate easter bunny and a box of peeps. Now, I want to waltz down to the Dunkin Donuts for one of these*. As a matter of fact, I want three of them, and a hot coffee, and I WANT the cashier to tell me that it will be cheaper to buy six so I can rationalize consuming a half a dozen donuts while walking home.
I've eaten two cupcakes to starve off the impulse to put on my clothes and leave the house. It's cold, so that helps. Knowing me and the past few nights, anything is possible. I'm both astonished and disgusted but I'm hungry. I've raided the fridge and the cabinets only to discover that I'm an egg away from a warm chocolate chip cookie. Le Sigh.
It's one of those weeks, ladies and gentleman.
*This painting, entitled Pink Frosted, is by the amazing Grace Mehan De Vito.