There is just something about Pamela Johnson's work. She manages to take everyday food products most of us have consumed at one point in time and capture them in a way that is both beautiful and haunting. Although the subjects she paints here are almost too simplistic and ordinary, the impact these paintings have had on me has been quite overwhelming.I've been looking at these painting all evening, trying to figure out what exactly is the hold they have over me.
There is much to be said about having to confront simplicity. For the most part, we don't think we have to, because embedded in its definition is the assumption that simplicity speaks for itself. However, during my short time on this earth, I realize that that is hardly ever the case. Simplicity is what often gives us the most trouble. We seek it but always underestimate its presence. I mean, how many times have we struggled to overcome things that are and were quite obvious? How many times do we disregard the writing on the wall? For most of us, I'm sure the answer to any one or both of these questions is more times than we ever thought possible. And that's humbling, y'all. And scary, too. Makes me wonder about my mettle.