Feeling uncharacteristically alive even though I'm running on a few hours worth of sleep. I suppose this energy comes from a place wholly outside of myself. Perhaps it is because I believe in happy endings--that there is a level of peace after all has been said and done.
I walked to class yesterday and it looked like it was going to rain. I remember mumbling something under my breath to God, telling him to please give me a bit of sun. In a few hours, he answered in a way I did not anticipate. It was even more beautiful that what I thought I asked for. Yesterday was one beautiful day.
I guess part of this feeling stems from knowing that I have the universe on speed dial and it's there to grant me my heart's desire. I needed to feel that sense of connection, of cause and effect, of asking and receiving, of control and release, of life and death, too. In the present-- when we are wrapped up in our shit, we just need to trust that what can lie ahead tends to be far greater than we can percieve. To me, that is worth this kind of living.