Not too long ago, I won a few coins via one of those scratch tickets. After taxes and helping a friend in need, I had a bit left over and decided to get myself a brand new camera. My old camera died about a year ago. It was one of those really cheap ones. I think I paid 70 bucks for it. It lasted almost five years but finally gave way during a photo shoot out in the bitter cold. I still can't bring myself to throw it away. We've shared so many memories.
Ever since she departed, I've wanted to upgrade to a nice SLR one. Of course, like most things are when you live hand to mouth on a graduate stipend, I could not afford one. However, with the remaining funds from that dear scratch ticket, I finally took the plunge. I just ordered it actually and can't wait to get going with the photography again.
Also, I'm just about finished with the new blog. I PROMISE to post more about that soon.